
Hi! I’m Jeremy. I studied philosophy and cognitive science and completed a Master of Engineering Management (all Dartmouth College). Right now, I work as a technical product manager at Hume AI. I express ideas in Imaginaries.

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Why Large Language Models Will Not Understand Human Language

Even with the incredible performance of LLMs and the tsunami of research into these models, LLMs will not be able …

Reclaiming Slurs through Conceptual Engineering

Images generated by MidJourney AI, based on a prompt about a conceptual hammer destroying an ideological structure. Introduction Ideology can …

10 replies on “About”

Hey man, I read some of your stuff on quora and came to check out your site. Just wanted to say that I like the way you think. I’m an avid learner and thinker as well. I also run a blog and was interested in how you decide what to write about publicly versus what you just write for yourself.

Hey John! Thanks for stopping by. Link me your blog I’ll check it out!

I mostly publish anything publicly that I think would be valuable for other people to have. I also have become *very* open recently, the point where I’d be comfortable posting almost anything. My main limitation is the latency time it takes to organize and write out my thoughts and post them here; my own desire to keep thoughts private doesn’t really hold me back.

Hi Jeremy,
I am glad I found your blog. The conceptual engineering of mental illness is an excellent work. It gives me a lot to work with as I am currently writing on the historical biography of autism as a psychiatric object. How could I use and cite your materials, if it is ok to do so?

Hi Ali! Sorry for the late response. Your historical biography sounds fascinating! Yes feel free to cite my work – it’s not published anywhere except on this site, so you can simply cite it as a web article. Thanks!

Hi Josh, thank you for the response! I’m glad you enjoyed the piece, and after looking your profile up on PhilPapers, it means a lot coming from you! I can tell you’ve thought deeply about the issues of affectivity and anxiety in Heidegger, and I’d love to hear if you have any more thoughts, critiques, or specific responses to this essay. Feel free to email me at jhadfield129@gmail.com. I also downloaded your essay and I’m looking forward to reading it!

I enjoyed your article “Why Large Language Models Will Not Understand Human Language” where you cite my post entitled “AI Cannot Ignore Symbolic Logic, and Here’s Why”. Great stuff. looking forward to reading more of your writings.

Thank you! I appreciated your work as well, it was very helpful and insightful! And I’ve read that article on TheGradient too, it’s great.

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